The Light Conveyor is a cost eff ective product, aimed at customers that are interested in endless reliability, very low maintenance and safe transportation of PCBs through an electronics assembly line, without the advanced functions and optional accessories off ered by our high-end conveyors. Pre-engineered machine parts and high volume make it possible to build high quality, low cost machinery at competitive prices.
Conveyor width adjustment is manual, and it is carried out quickly in a few simple steps. Motors, cables and the PLC with associated control electronics are housed in the conveyor profi le. The conveyor frame is manufactured from welded steel, which makes the system rigid and solid. Each side and section of the conveyor has its own motor, belt and board-present sensor, enabling a board to be buffered on each section and provide smooth, reliable transportation of PCBs.
Order codes:
Light conveyor 500mm, K-017-0445
Light conveyor 1000mm, K-017-0446
Light conveyor 1500mm, K-017-0447